Question: Can I enter more than once in the Individual CVI classes? Answer: Yes you can, in accordance with the 2025 FEI Rule 2.1 under Starting Possibilities. 1* Vaulters: may start twice in an Individual Competition at 1*. Each start must be with different Horses. 1* competitors who earn a qualifying score to compete in the 2* competition, can compete one more time in the 2*competition. 2* Vaulters: may start twice in an Individual Competition at 2*. Each start must be with a different horse. 3* Vaulters: may start twice in an Individual Competition at 2* and 3* level. Each start must be with a different horse.
Question: Is my previous score for CVI2* or 3* still valid? Answer: Ensure you refer to the FEI Vaulting Rule 2. Qualifications for CVIs. 2.1. Qualification for Individual and Pas De Deux 2* & 3* will be published annually on the FEI website. 2025 Overall-Qualification-criteria.pdf ( 2.2. When the vaulter(s) has/have reached a qualifying score for a star level, the qualification must be confirmed by participating in this star level once, within the following 24months. After this confirmation, the qualification is fully achieved and applicable indefinitely. If a qualification score has not been confirmed within 24months, its validity expires, and a new score must be earned according to the rules in place at that point in time. At CVIs, Vaulter(s) can choose to compete at the highest level they are qualified for, as well any other level below that (within the appropriate age category/ies).
Question: Can I enter both the CVI competition and the SVG competition? Answer: Yes, you can enter both competitions, subject to horse points.
Question: Do vaulters need to be registered with the FEI to compete in the CVI? Answer: Yes, any vaulter entered in a CVI class must also be registered with the FEI. Registration number must be included on your entry. Visit the Equestrian Australia website for full details on FEI registration for athletes and horses. Competing at FEI Level | Equestrian Australia
Question: Does my lunger need to be registered with the FEI? Answer: Yes, they are considered an athlete along with the vaulter and need to be registered with the FEI. Check with them to make sure their registration is current for the 2025 competition year, along with the horse you are entering on.
Question: Where can I find a copy of the current 2025 FEI Rules & Guidelines? Answer: The 2025 Rules & Guidelines can be found FEI Vaulting Rules | FEI
Question: In the event that a vaulter enters the 1* on two different horses and also in the 2* (providing they gain a qualifying score), are they able to choose which horse they compete the 2* class on? Eg. Vaulter enters 1* on Black Horse & on White Horse. They earn qualifying score only on White Horse, do they have to compete on White Horse, or can they choose to compete the 2* on Black Horse? Answer: Response from FEI Vaulting Technical Committee (VTC): The vaulter can start in 2* (if earnt qualifying score in 1*) on any horse they choose. Even on Blue Horse. It is a different competition with separate draw and also substitutions are possible one hour prior to the competition. If they want to compete on Blue Horse, that horse must have already be entered in the event and passed Vet Check.